Monday, March 5, 2012

It is good to write again!

It is Monday morning, from this laptop, and a beautiful blue sky.  I finally began my grant proposal to receive monies for people with strokes and caretakers to provide further communication with others using G+ and its Hangout ability. 

I haven’t written a grant or anything dealing with a need for a social service need in a very long while.  As a social worker it is something I always liked to due but due to my stroke and unable work, I hung up my social work gloves up. 

I had my stroke/Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and my wife stroke occurred one year ago I found it imperative to locate a stroke support group where we live, which we did.  The Stroke group is held once a month. 

As we live in a rural area, I saw that many of the members must drive from many different cities to attend the meeting.  I thought that if the members of group could communicate with each other, they could receive further support from each other. 

It feels good to be good that I am writing again.