Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Moving in a new year

My wife and I have moved to St. Louis, Missouri.  Now Sty. Louis is my hometown.  My wife’s hometown is Montreal, Quebec.  Many discussions should we moved to St. Louis or Montréal.  I have lived in St. Louis the majority of my life.  We have visited Montreal and loved it there. 

Montreal, for those who do not know, is very metropolitan.  People from every walk of life are there.  As French is the spoken language as the language is music to me.  I do not speak French myself but I will need to learn. 

What I found is that the people are friendly.  I think it is that the personal space we, or I have found as a US citizen, is not present for those living in Montreal.  I went around the town spending time in cafes, reading the English speaking newspapers (and that is hard to find at times) or looking at the street and the people go by.  If people are talking about a topic I know of or I want to know if I can join the discussion freely.  Last summer I had people come up to me to ask a question that caused the discussion to last over an hour.  I do not and I am sure this will not happen in the United States. 

A major difference is the care I received was the concern when I had a seizure and fell in a café.  I fell backwards and loss conscience for a time.  When I came to I saw my wife and five or six customers making sure I was okay, comforting me, and my wife.  One person was on her cell phone calling the ambulance, a waitress came with a glass of water, and I was assisted back into a chair with assistance and people staying with me talking to me. 
If you do not know I call myself Ian optimist.  Being one when I have a medical problem I find humor when talking to people.  Some may say it is black humor.   It does not do anything if I fret; I have had seizures since I have been ten years old. 

I describe this as I recently had a seizure here in the states.  What is described here above did not occur here.  People looked at me and walked by.  When I needed help to sit in a chair no one helped me.  The staff at the store told my wife and me that they could not help me because of their rules of the store.  It took my wife and me to decide to call 911. 

Unfortunately, the citizens here in the US, and it is my observation and experience, that people keep an invisible personal space around their self’s and not to enter the space of others. 

Personally, I would have loved to move to Montreal.  Yes I know that a major snowstorm as hit Montréal but I really was ready for that.